In my search for an application that would help me place an individual window above all other, I found a few that were very light and worked almost perfectly. With this single line of code in Autohotkey, make your windows stay always on top maker with AutoHotkey scriptĪutoHotkey is an open source application for Windows, which allows you to automate keystrokes and other features in the window desktop.

However, for Windows, after all these years it is not a default feature, and you have to switch constantly between Windows every time you have to copy files. This helps make transferring files copy images from the web browser and other multiple things much easier than switching windows everything.

In Ubuntu, windows can be held at the top by default by pressing the right click menu on the top of the windows. I modified the script - and glad it worked - so that instead of using the AlwaysOnTop parameter, Top replaces it, making the script less attention-getting.One of the features that I miss the most when I switch from Ubuntu to Windows is the ability to keep windows on top while you are working with another application. WinSet, bottom,, ahk_class Shell_TrayWndĮDIT: after working with it a bit more, I found that the script stole the focus from some menu items, causing the inability to select a menu item unless the mouse button was held down whilst choosing, and then releasing it to choose the entry. So I decided to script my own AHK, and this method, so far, mimics Windows XP the closest. There have been numerous efforts to do this, but few of them I particular liked. Just thought of sharing the worldwide protest of Windows 7’s stupid and intended omission of allowing other windows to go over the taskbar.